Blueberry Webinar Landing Page 1
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Who is ProFarm?

We have been be discovering, developing and commercializing biologically-based crop protection products for more than 45 years. We create products and programs that are farmer focused and field proven, with over 3,000 trials conducted globally for both organic and conventional farming operations.

Learn more at

What will we cover?

In this webinar, we will cover:

  • Overview of common blueberry diseases & the biological active ingredients that have shown to improve IPM efficacy
  • Field data for IPM disease management
  • Overview of common blueberry pests & the biological active ingredients that have shown to improve IPM efficacy
  • Field data for IPM pest management

Join us Thursday, February 1 at 11:30 am Pacific | 2:30 pm Eastern.

Please fill out the following registration information. You will receive a registration confirmation directly from Zoom, our webinar provider.

Meet our speakers:

Our speakers are experts on biologicals and their IPM applications. 


Evan Carlisle
Territory Sales Manager - PNW East
Pro Farm Group

alan schrieber

Alan Schreiber
Executive Director
Washington Blueberry Commission